Every day, our warehouse receives an enormous amount of books by the truckload. A vast number of these books, amounting to tens of thousands, are either sold to customers around the world or shipped in bulk internationally. However, we are left with roughly 50% of product that can not be redistributed for various reasons. This is where Zoom Books Company strives to make a difference.
For the books that we cannot use, we transport them to recycling plants in Washington or export them in containers to our international partners to be used in the manufacturing process for paper boards. Over the years, Zoom Books Company has created a large network of vetted partners in India and Europe capable of responsibly recycling 100+ tons of used books every week.
Based off shipping data from our carriers, the average delivery of a used books results in roughly 1.7 pounds of CO2 emissions. In contrast, a new book typically produces 8.85 pounds of CO2 in just the production process alone, according to the Green Press Initiative. By purchasing a used book from Zoom Books Company, you could save over 7 pounds of CO2 emissions per used book.
Research shows that 1 trade with a diameter of 10 inches can produce roughly 25-35 books. Zoom Books Company recycles ~30,000 books a day which is the equivalent of roughly 1000 trees.